Author : Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Registration: November 18, 2019

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Best Foot Files For Your Feet in 2023

Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Best Foot Files For Your Feet in 2023

When finding the best foot files for your feet, the selection of foot files can be overwhelming. There are many … Read more... [read more]

Best Foot Circulation Booster For Your Feet in 2023

Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Best Foot Circulation Booster For Your Feet in 2023

aking care of our feet has become more and more important as the next decade is fast approaching. One of … Read more... [read more]

Why Hemorrhoid Pain Worse at Night?

Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Why Hemorrhoid Pain Worse at Night?

Hemorrhoid, also known as piles, is one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal diagnoses in the world. Why Hemorrhoid Pain Worse at Night? Because, the levels of the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol are naturally lower at night; plus, staying still in o... [read more]

Hemorrhoids Bursting

Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Hemorrhoids Bursting

Hemorrhoids Bursting- Treatment, Symptoms and Causes If you are a patient of hemorrhoids (Also known as Piles), it surely feels very uncomfortable when the swollen Hemorrhoid bursts. It sometimes becomes even disturbing and painful when the burst hemorrho... [read more]

12 Hidden Dangers of Hemorrhoids

Research and Evidence based article is taken from the study by Dr. Zhifei Sun MD

Are you suffering itching, burning, bleeding in silence! Did you ever think, what body system is affected by hemorrhoids? You can’t see them but, straining or irritation when passing stool can cause painless bleeding during bowel movements, rectal bleedin... [read more]